Thursday, January 03, 2008

2007 In Review

As my husband knows, the computer I currently type on is maddeningly slow. I am an impatient German girl and I want it NOW.So, this post will be word-scant and photo heavy.

So, to review:

My mom and I at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

I taught sewing in summer school so these kids and I could finish the hurricane quilts that Robin and I started 2 years ago. We got 11 quilts (I think) done, and donated them to a women's shelter.

We took the train to Maine, thanks to my summer school earnings.

We ate fresh lobster and mussels and green beans and blueberry beer at Kate and Vin's house.

Matt bought this silver beast.

I made this.

And these. Ignore the dog rolling in the grass.

I turned my tresses over to the talented trimming talons of Erin at Bouffant Daddy.

I won these awesome motorcycle boots on Ebay for $20!

And now my fingers are sore from quilting a quilt I have no pictures of yet.

It was a damned good year, and hopefully 2008 will be better and include a new computer for my birthday (in 23 short, short days)!


maitai said...

hey! i've missed you! those quilts are awesome!

Unknown said...

Wow--I like your mint green living room!!

Lots of nice quilts, too.

sarahkate said...

I snagged a couple of your potholders at the Rock and Roll Craft show. I gave them to my father-in-law for Christmas and he loved them! Happy New Year, Happy Birthday and I hope you score a new computer. You've been a good girl, you deserve it!