Friday, January 26, 2007

Who Do You Love?

You all love me, and my silly, silly ways, right? You all love the spontaneous, flybytheseatofherpants Alli?
Well, bitses, sign up for my very own craft fair! I volunteered/was volunteered by my evil best teacher friend to organize a craft fair to benefit my school's PTO.
Yes, me. Organizatin' somethin'.

The picture to the left shows what happens when I organize Monty's morning glories and purple hyacinth bean. There's a headboard and footboard under that mass of leafy fence.

So, the deal, tentatively called Chili Craft, is March 24th. You're right, that isn't a lot of time. It'll be from 9 am to 2 pm at Brittany Woods Middle School, in our awesome 1956 gym. I might even be able to get tables for us. The booth fee is $35 plus 10% of your profits. It's a benefit, stop griping.
Are you a chef? Did you make basil jelly from this (the basil, not the scowl or boobs) :

There's more where that scowl came from! I know who you are, you knitters and stitchers and cutandpasters!
Help a sister out, wontcha? Let me know ASAP so I can impress the PTO on Feb. 6th.
God, that is a really unattractive photo, but it works in so many ways.


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