Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring, where are you?

We're getting new outside doors tomorrow! I am beyond excited and thought about it all day long at work. Exciting life, eh?

Here are some pics to tide us over until spring strolls in. It can't be much longer, as my bulbs are poking their little spikes through the soil. I planted $50 worth of bulbs in October, and by now, I have forgotten what went where. Should be a nice surprise in a few months!



Lovely seed packets from 1965. My mother was 19 years old. Free Fritos!

It's always hard to believe that it all begins like this:

And ends up like this 7 months later.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day!

 Just some pretty:

My parents in Pennsylvania are getting hit hard with the snowfalls there.  There is nothing on that patio table except 2 feet of snow.

I am jonesing for spring, especially after seeing a huge flock of robins this week.
Here are some warm photos for you to contemplate:
This is my mom and brother in 1981.

Check out those tritoma!

I love, love, love zinnias. There's something about their symmetry and pure rich colors and unfussiness that appeal to me.  Come on, spring!