Monday, April 14, 2008

What I've Been Doing

Recycling in action. I cut a toothpaste box in half, added some potting soil and a corn kernel and...voila! A plantable container! Yes, that is a toilet paper roll and a tea bag box.

A view from the steps. Ignore my hoosier neighbors' dead newspapers lying on their walk. I swear, I really did not pick the rest of their daffodils. It wasn't me!
This, my friends, is where sweet corn comes from. A tiny pale green finger looking for the light.

Le Jardin 2008. Thank you, Matt, for building the squares! Please also note my bourgeoisie compost bin. It was on sale and I was tired of messing with my bent plastic garbage can with the plywood/brick roof. You can see I'm surrounded by hoosiers (plastic toys in yard) so I don't need to add to the downfall of my block. The blue glass lantern is used to keep Matt's pepper plant warm these recent COLD nights. The screen door (found in alley) is covering the first basil I couldn't wait to plant. They're doing okay so far!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, you're back *and* gardening! Save a spot for an extra tomato plant, if you can. I can't believe you've found enough decent weather to get outside and do what you've already done. The gloom and rain (and SNOW on the weekend) has depressed me. Today, however, sweet!