Tuesday, January 24, 2006

In Which Allison Starts Another Project

So the other day I said to M., "I think I want to have a blog! I like writing! I'll publish my teenage diaries online and become an overnight media sensation! I'll also make a mint if I let Google advertise on my site!" He grunted, and I retreated to the sewing/computer room with dreams of hanging out with Oprah, trading one-liners with Conan, and winning Blog of the Week in the local free weekly paper.
I came home wicked late from work tonight, because the English Department was told to make a mock MAP test to prepare our students for the real one. We had snacks and chocolate, and got rather perverted and giddy. You know the point, where even a benign word like "blow" sounds funny. Well, part of our test involved whales, which may or may not be of the sperm variety, and which have blowholes. I think Kim ruptured something when I said, "Keep your sperm whale out of my blowhole, you skank!"
As I was saying, I came in the door and found M. working on my computer, building my blog! Yay! Happy Birthday to me! Now the whole world can read about my trials as a boy-crazy teen in the wilds of Pennsylvania. Don't worry-I might have been boy crazy, but I wasn't attractive enough to be a skank.
So, stay tuned. This is gonna be good.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fray!

Crafty and Crap said...

Hey Solesbury, Welcome to the blogging world.

Anonymous said...

What's a "Blog"?

Autumn Wiggins said...

Yay! Guess what I had to sign up for my own silly blog in order to comment on yours :P. This should be interesting...

Redhead Editor said...

Happy Birthday Allison. Congrats on the blog. I "had" to start my blog to comment on Poppy's site last year. She told me to come and visit you. And I always do what Poppy Mom says.